Utah State Instructional Materials Access Center (USIMAC)
The Utah State Instructional Materials Access Center (USIMAC) provides core instructional materials in accessible formats to ensure that all eligible students with print disabilities qualified under the Chafee Amendment receive their materials in a timely manner.
USIMAC will utilize the National Instructional Material Access Center, the American Printing House for the Blind, BookShare, the Recordings for the Blind and Dyslexic, as well as other professional entities to secure accessible instructional materials for qualifying students. If a requested textbook is not available, the USIMAC staff will produce the instructional material in the accessible format(s) required by the student’s IEP or Section 504 accommodation plan. In accordance with the Chafee amendment, the USIMAC produces accessible core materials in Braille, large print, audio (MP3 format), digital (e-Texts such as PDF, HTML, Word, text), or DAISY (which can be a combination of audio and digital) formats.
Contact Information
742 Harrison Blvd
Ogden, UT 84404
Customer Service
Phone: (801) 629-4706, (801) 629-4783, or (801) 629-4784
Fax: (801) 629-4800
Email: usimacorders@usdb.org
Armando Venegas
(801) 629-4731
Executive Secretary
Cassidy McFarland
(801) 629-4795