Facts at a Glance
How many students does USDB serve?
These numbers fluctuate each year and during each school year. Exact numbers for each year can be found in the Annual Reports.
The Utah Schools for the Deaf and the Blind supports approximately 2,600 students across the State of Utah.
Including USDB’s Educational Support Services, the number of children served statewide is approximately 6,400.
On the USDB campuses, USDB serves approximately 360 students in the classrooms.
The majority of USDB students attend local schools districts throughout Utah. USDB teachers travel to the students’ neighborhood schools. USDB supports them with outreach teachers, aids, programs, resources and technology, based on their individual educational needs.
USDB also offers summer camps and short term programs throughout the year for all students whether they are on campus, or attend their local schools.